Service to Seniors
Caring for our Seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. Those who walked before us have given so much and made possible the life we all enjoy!
Our Committee’s purpose is to engage with Seniors by providing meals, entertainment, and interactive activities at 4+ events per year.
Our longstanding service includes coordinating and serving a Summer Barbecue & Holiday Dinner for the Seniors living at Morrone Garden Apartments, a low income housing property supported by a Rotary Grant in 1994.
In the Spring and Fall, we volunteer at Lincoln Manor Skilled Nursing Facility by providing helping hands to make holiday events special for wheelchair bound seniors.
For more information contact Committee Chair Sarah Janigian.

The Rotary Club of San Jose
Administrative Office
Gordon House
1690 Senter Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Contact us
Office: 408-297-6100
Office Hours
M-TH: 7:30 - 4:30
Friday: 7 - 1

Weekly meeting address
Rotary Summit Center
88 S. 4th St.
7th Floor
San Jose, CA
Lunch $30 (order lunch by Monday at noon)
Social Media links
#sjrotaryclub @sjrotaryclub