PlayGarden Activities

The Mission of the PlayGarden Activities Committee is to engage the Rotary Club of San Jose and the community in activities and programs at the Rotary PlayGarden in support of the vision of equal play. The committee champions Rotary attendance and involvement in using and promoting the new PlayGarden.
We meet six times a year on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:30AM at the Rotary Summit Center.
For more information, please contact Committee Chair Mick Greco.

The Rotary Club of San Jose
Administrative Office
Gordon House
1690 Senter Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Contact us
Office: 408-297-6100
Office Hours
M-TH: 7:30 - 4:30
Friday: 7 - 1

Weekly meeting address
Rotary Summit Center
88 S. 4th St.
7th Floor
San Jose, CA
Lunch $30 (order lunch by Monday at noon)
Social Media links
#sjrotaryclub @sjrotaryclub