Culinary and Hospitality

This committee is all about food, entertaining, and service to our Club. The committee plans and hosts the annual Holiday Luncheon; donates and prepares a fun, creative, fine- dining experience as an auction item at the Rotary Gala; hosts an annual Blind Wine Tasting with the help and generosity of Bert George; and supports the events of other committees throughout the year.
Our committee meets most months, usually at 5:30 or 6:00 various sites that can include a member’s home, the Gordon House or other locations. And yes, of course, we cook and eat at these meetings.
Below are photos from a past Auction Dinner hosted by the committee – Flavors of Aloha. The dinner was held at the beautiful home of committee members Cindy and Jeff Faulkner for Carl and Kathy Cilker and their guests. Upon arrival, each guest was presented with a kukui nut lei, worn by Hawaiian royalty and given to special friends in the spirit of aloha. During the cocktail hour, guests enjoyed specialty cocktails, sparkling wine, delicious hors d’oeuvres, beautiful Hawaiian music and a relaxing waterfall. Some of the guests even enjoyed a round of bocce. The table décor was designed and donated by Chris Citti; the tableware was donated by Larry Williams and Debbie Blackwell. Guests enjoyed a six-course dinner prepared by the committee along with beautiful wine pairings selected by Bert George.
For more information, please contact Committee Chairs Cindy Faulkner.

The Rotary Club of San Jose
Administrative Office
Gordon House
1690 Senter Road
San Jose, CA 95112
Contact us
Office: 408-297-6100
Office Hours
M-TH: 7:30 - 4:30
Friday: 7 - 1

Weekly meeting address
Rotary Summit Center
88 S. 4th St.
7th Floor
San Jose, CA
Lunch $30 (order lunch by Monday at noon)
Social Media links
#sjrotaryclub @sjrotaryclub